Submit Your Ad
Build your portfolio, connect with creatives, win cash prizes at Utah's Spec Ad Competition. Applications open to worldwide submissions 🌎
Submissions open May 20th, 2023 - August 10th, 2023.
Categories for Entry

Tech / App

Fashion / Fitness

Food & Beverage

Judging Rubric
Performance ⚡️
Don't boil the ocean. Focus on 1 or 2 selling points and build off that. For example, Apple chose noise cancellation for this ad. They didn't touch on ergonomics, bluetooth capabilities, product design, etc.
Don't boil the ocean. Focus on 1 or 2 selling points and build off that. For example, Apple chose noise cancellation for this ad. They didn't touch on ergonomics, bluetooth capabilities, product design, etc.
Clear CTA 👌
More Info
June 1, 2023 | Entries Open
August 10, 2023 | Submission Deadline
August 17, 2023 | Official Selection announced
August 24, 2023 | Festival & Awards Ceremony
Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text.